
–                                                                              Getaway                                                                             

Melony pored over the files in front of her desperately looking for answers she wasn’t certain she was going to find. The Polymer component was missing one small fragment; it was right under her nose. She removed her glasses and rubbed her bloodshot eyes.

“So, if we cross the X polymer with a B charge then the molecules should take on a magnetized route which would in turn….”

Melony shook her head. “Then we’ll have a mini nuclear meltdown.”

Ray slammed his hands down on her desk causing her to jump. “Damn it! We’re so close. What are we missing?”

Melony leaned back in her chair. “I’ve been over this a million times, I don’t know Ray. Maybe we need to get a good night’s sleep and reassess in the morning.”

 “We don’t have time. This prototype has to be completed and tested by …” Ray checked his watch. “In forty-eight hours.”

Melony stood and walked around her desk. She rubbed a hand up and down Ray’s back. “Ray, go shower, maybe rest your eyes for a minute and I’ll order takeout and coffee. We’ll figure this out.”

Ray sighed, his annoyance evident. “Maybe if I reroute the power source?”

“Then you’ll have to rewire the stabilizers.”

Ray raked off the folders on her desk in a fit of anger. The papers littered the floor, his face red as he exhaled. “Ok, maybe you’re right. I could stand to eat and maybe a shower will clear my mind.”

She smiled and kissed his cheek. “I’ll go pick up Big Belly Burger, you want the usual?”

“Yes, please and a green tea smoothie.”

Melony grabbed her purse and coat. “Ok, be back in a few, try to relax.”

Ray nodded his mind on this project. “Yeah.”

Melony stepped out into the brisk night air as she hailed a cab. The city lights illuminated her as she let her head rest against the cool glass window recalling a time when Ray looked at her they way he now looks at his projects, a time when she was more lover than partner. Before she knew it they fell into a comfortable routine and long gone were those surprise dates and flowers on her desk for no reason. Now, more often than not, she was the one who was wooing him. Not that she minded doing things for him, but she preferred to not be invisible. She ached for his touch for a time when work didn’t interfere with their time.

The cab pulled up at Big Belly Burger and Melony stepped out into a light drizzle that had just began to fall. All she could think about was getting Ray and her back to the place they once were. It wasn’t that long ago that they were happy and she couldn’t help but hoping it was just this project. She envisioned returning to his office with food and there would be her old Ray with a blanket spread on the floor, candles lit, he would hand her a bottle of wine and express how sorry he was for being a workaholic.

“Whoa mami!”

The voice brought her out of her daydreams as she felt the rock hard chest underneath her hands. She shook her head realizing she’d crashed right into another customer. Embarrassed she profusely apologized before looking up into laughing but gentle hazel eyes. “Wait, I know you don’t I?”

“Doesn’t excuse you for almost making me drop my food.” His eyes twinkled with humor. “I’m Rene, I work with Oliver.”

Melony smiled.  “Sorry again, it’s been a long day and I can’t remember the last time I slept or ate.”

“Are you still making magic happen with Palmer?”

Melony blushed. “Um… that’s rude and also none of your business.”

Rene laughed. “I mean magic as in those fancy gadgets you make over there at Palmer Tech. After all you designed my suit and I never get a chance to say thank you.”

“Oh God, I am so completely embarrassed and no need to thank me for doing my job.”

Rene studied her for a moment recalling the last time he’d seen her. It had been over a month ago and she had been in Mayor Queen’s office, he’d noticed then she looked sad and now as she stood before him she appeared sad and tired. “Of course I have to say thank you, let me buy you dinner.”

“That’s nice of you, but I really need to get mine to go so I can get back to the office.” Her stomach growled loudly in protest.

“I think you’re stomach would disagree. Come on, it will only take thirty minutes and you need a break to recharge.”

She chewed her bottom lip as she considered her options. It wouldn’t kill her to stay out for thirty minutes to eat and relax a moment maybe that way Ray would maybe manage to take a nap however she really did need to get him to eat something… Her thoughts were interrupted by her growling stomach. “Ok, you win, thirty minutes and not a minute more. We have an approaching deadline and a one big kink to work out.”

“Well you can’t solve problems on an empty stomach, you need brain fuel. Lucky for you, I know just the thing. “ Rene spoke in a whisper to the waitress as Melony slid into the booth. “I hope you aren’t allergic to anything or have to eat gluten free.” Renee made a disgusted face.

Melony laughed. “No, but I try to eat healthy. Speaking of, I need to go order Ray’s Cobb salad and smoothie so it will be ready when I am finished.” She excused herself only to return moments later to a table full of food. “What is this? I can’t eat all of this!” She exclaimed as she slid into the booth.

Rene popped a loaded fry into his mouth and talked while chewing. “Yes you can, listen to your stomach.” He slid a vanilla milkshake towards her. “Dessert first then take a bite of this bad boy.” He slid a plate with a burger as big as the plate oozing with mayonnaise, mushrooms, Swiss cheese and turkey bacon.

“I think I’m having a heart attack just looking at this.”

“Then don’t look at this.” Rene slid another plate towards her loaded with cheesy fries, onion rings, jalapeño poppers and mozzarella sticks.

“Rene, look at me, I can’t hold even a fraction of this.”

Rene smiled and took a bite of his burger. “I know, but I ordered it so you would have plenty for later.”

Melony’s heart did a little flutter as she smiled. It had been so long since she’d experienced anyone being concerned with her well being or anything else. “Thank you, Rene.”

They ate and talked easily as if they were old friends. Rene enjoyed listening to her as she animatedly explained projects she was working on. For the briefest of seconds she seemed happy until she realized her thirty minutes were up.

Her smile faded as quickly as she watched Rene pack up the leftovers for her to take back to the office. “Thank you so much for this Rene. It was nice to run into you again.”

“Same, but you know I don’t believe in coincidences. Seems I was here for a reason, don’t lose that smile of yours. You’re too beautiful to frown.”

Melony nodded and accepted the bag of food before walking towards the door where she paused and turned to wave at Rene whose smiling eyes were still on her.


“What took you so long?” Ray asked as Melony opened the door, her arms loaded with food, coffee and his smoothie.

“Sorry, I decided to grab a bite while I waited on your food. I needed to recharge.”

Ray snatched up one of the coffees. “Recharge? How can you think of anything but this project?”

“Because I’m human, Ray and also, I’m guessing you didn’t sleep ..or shower?”

“No, there’s’ no time.  I think I have it figured out.” Ray walked into the lab and stood before the white board. “All we had to do is make a couple of adjustments here and here.”

Melony shook her head. “But you will still have to worry about the stabilizers. Maybe if you use magnesium based alloy instead of copper?”

“Right!” Ray scribbled frantically. “I think that’s it!”

“Yay, now finally we can relax and maybe even celebrate.” She made a move to hug him and he never took his eyes from the board.

“We can celebrate later, right now I need to get the prototype into production, make a few calls and let Star labs know.”

“Ray, all that can wait until in the morning, right now you need food and sleep.”

Ray pulled out his cell phone. “I will, as soon as I can make sure the prototype will be ready. Go ahead home and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

She sighed. “Fine Ray, but at least eat while you make those calls.” She kissed his lips and picked up her briefcase before heading to her car.


On the drive home Melony found her thoughts drifting towards Rene and the effect he had one her.  It had been so long since her and Ray had laughed with so much work to be done they basically had no life outside of work. Melony needed a way to get through to Ray and break up his work trance. With a new purpose she pulled into their driveway and hurried inside.

She found candles and set them up in the bedroom before making sure there was a bottle of champagne chilled. She set two glasses on the night stand and went to take a hot shower. Once she was out she sent a text to Ray, “Hurry home love, there’s something I need to show you.”

Melony pulled out a lacy black number and blow dried her hair before applying red lipstick. Satisfied with her appearance she poured two glasses of champagne and picked up her phone.

No reply.

She took a sip of the bubbly and picked up the remote for the stereo. She programmed some mood music and leaned back against the pillows. The clock read nine fifteen as she took another drink of the champagne. There was no reason they shouldn’t celebrate this victory, they worked well as a team if only work would stop getting in the way of them.

Time passed.

She drank.

More time passed.

She drank some more.

The next thing she knew the sun was shining in through the bedroom window and she was in an empty bed.

Ray never came home last night.

She raked a hand threw her red hair and moaned. She glanced over at the empty champagne bottle on the nightstand and cringed. Her head was pounding and she was surely going to be late to work and at this point she was wondering if she even cared.


Melony stopped into Big Belly Burger and placed her order for a black coffee, an egg and cheese biscuit and side of hash browns when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Come here often?”

She removed her sunglasses. “Only when I need a cure to what ails me.”


She nodded.

“I take it you figured out the kink.” Rene raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, and then I celebrated alone.”

Rene frowned, concern etching his face. “Alone?”

“Yeah, not a big deal, not sure why I’m even telling you this. Anyways, I have to get to work going to be a long day we have to roll out our prototype at a huge gala tonight.”

“Well, good luck, break a leg.”

She smiled back at him. “Thank you, Rene.”


Melony opened the glass door to her office calling to her assistant for another coffee having finished the one from Big Belly Burger on the drive. She took a seat at her desk opening up emails on her computer when Ray walked in.

“Sorry I didn’t make it home last night. You’ll be happy to know I did manage to get some sleep on the couch in my office. Are you ready for tonight? I can barely contain my excitement.”

Melony bit the inside of her jaw watching the man she loved pace back and forth excitedly talking about a project he was doing, not to save lives but to feed his growing ego. “Yes Ray, I am so happy that you managed to get some sleep here at the office while I was home alone, waiting for you.”

“Mel, you nagged me to get some sleep and that’s what I did.”

She pinched the bridge of her nose willing the headache to cease for a moment. “Nagged you? Since when did concern become nagging?”

“You know what I mean.”

“Honestly I don’t, Ray.”

His cell phone rang as they stared silently at each other. “Excuse me, I have to take this.”

“Of course.” She let her head rest against the back of her chair as she closed her eyes.


Melony wore an emerald green strapless dress that had a sheer wrap around train with peacock feather print. Accentuated by a gold feather choker and black stilettos; her red hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders.

She slipped her arm in the crook of Ray’s arm as they made their way into the ballroom. The lights gave off a soft glow illuminating the white tablecloths and gold place settings. Ray saw the buyer for the project they’d been working on, Mr. Anatoli. Ray immediately excused himself and headed over to talk business leaving her standing in the middle of the ballroom.

Melony made her way to the bar where she grabbed a glass of champagne. Across the room Ray was busy schmoozing with Mr. Anatoli brokering the biggest sale of Palmer Tech. A project she worked right by his side on. A project he couldn’t have completed without her. But guaranteed Ray was taking every ounce of credit for her hard work. She knocked back the glass and grabbed another.

She watched as Ray shook hands with Anatoli. The deal was done and she wasn’t a part of it. She was invisible. Ray walked toward the stage where the band played and he commandeered the microphone. “I would like to thank you all for coming here tonight and supporting Palmer Tech. It is with great honor that I announce I have invented a modular that will prevent hackers from ever being able to breech weapons or medical equipment. This is groundbreaking technology that will end cyber terrorism once and for all. With that being said, I have partnered with Mr. Anatoli consulate of Russia where Palmer Tech will be opening a factory to mass produce these modules.”

The crowd broke into applause.

“Got anything harder?” Melony asked the bartender to which he responded by pouring her a glass of whiskey. She accepted it and took a walk outside for some fresh air.

Melony stepped out into the night air and took a huge gulp of the whiskey which warmed her inside as the air cooled her skin. She couldn’t fathom how Ray of all people could become so consumed that he didn’t even acknowledge her contribution. Not that she wanted the glory, she needed the project for her portfolio so she could start her own small company making tech to help save animals and animals with disabilities. Hurt and anger overcame her as she polished off the whiskey and threw the glass crashing against a wall. Tears filled her eyes as she steadily wondered how he could treat her this way.

She swiped a fallen tear as a loud noise made her look up.

He wore all black, his helmet hiding his identity as he held out a matching helmet to her. She backed up not sure if she should run or scream but before she could decide he lifted his visor.

“What do you say I take you away from here and show you what it’s like to be seen, cause I see you.”

Mel  took a step forward, turned and looked at the ballroom her mind expecting Ray to love her enough to come looking for her but she knew he wouldn’t. She gathered her train in one hand and removed her heels with the other as she ran towards Rene.  Mel accepted the helmet, her sad blue eyes met his hazel ones and there she saw just what she needed.

She hopped on the motorcycle, secured her helmet and wrapped her arms around Rene tightly. Together they rode into the night, no destination in mind, just a need to escape.

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