
Earrings stowed away, never worn. Safely in a jewelry box, safe from big meaty hands that threatened to pull them from ears you could lovingly adorn. But alas, you were not meant to be worn, nor was she meant to be loved. Not by him. Not by any man capable of such harm. But here, … Continue reading Earrings


-                                                                              Getaway                                                                              Melony pored over the files in front of her desperately looking for answers she wasn’t certain she was going to find. The Polymer component was missing one small fragment; it was right under her nose. She removed her glasses and rubbed her bloodshot eyes. “So, if we cross the X polymer with a … Continue reading Getaway


Hurtwords: 966A CW Flash Fan Fiction. I do not own the rights to The Flash, just Melony and Jack. “You’re such a nerd.” The older bully of the group shoved the little skinny boy with brown hair and glasses causing him to stumble backwards. “Yeah, you’re a dweeb. I bet you still wet the bed!” … Continue reading Hurt


A CW's Arrow Fan Fiction. I do not own the rights to Oliver Queen, Ray Palmer or The Arrow. Rain pounded the windshield as Melony drove towards Star City, the cars windshield wipers straining under the downpour.  The sky as dark as her mood, she wasn’t sure what she was doing. There was one of … Continue reading Song

She Is…

She’s warm sunsets, whiskey soaked lips.Art walking, poetry talking,She’s a wildflower in a sea of roses.Hellbent and headstrong.She’s vinyl in a streaming world.Apple pie sweetness with a moonshine bite.She makes you nostalgic for a time lost.

Next to Me

He's laying here next to me in a spot once yours. It's where you should be. Right next to me. Your legs tangled with mine, cover swept aside because you can't stand not to be touching me. He reaches out and touches me. But he's not you.

Take It All

Scars of the heart stay hidden spreading through the veins like cracking porcelain. Slowly killing you from the inside out. First your heart then your breath. Your hope, your happiness, your being. Nothing will be left because you let him take it away.